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Mindology Fitness Kids Trainer Package



We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your keen interest in joining the esteemed ranks of Mindology Fitness Trainers (MFTs). By embarking on this journey, you will become an essential part of a vibrant online community devoted to fostering global transformation. Our community consists of dedicated trainers who are committed to sharing stories, breakthroughs, insights, and all relevant information aimed at empowering themselves as Mindology Fitness Trainers and the children they teach.  


Each month, Dr. Troy hosts a one-hour Zoom coaching call for Mindology Fitness Kids trainers. These sessions are designed to address any questions or concerns, offering guidance to help trainers tackle challenges effectively. This supportive environment enhances problem-solving skills and empowers trainers to become more effective facilitators of the program.


Through a concise, 4-hour online training, trainees are equipped to implement the program, fostering emotional resilience and confidence among students. By teaching students how to manage emotions effectively, the program promotes a culture of self-awareness and adaptability. Beyond imparting techniques, becoming a Mindology Fitness Trainer for kids initiates a personal journey of self-care, enabling trainees to navigate life's challenges with calm and balance while powerfully supporting the kids in their communities.

BUILD-A-ME (pre-recorded video class) 

This 5-minute Build-A-Me mental fitness work is derived from the original 25-minute Mindology Fitness Kids workout program.  Build-A-Me includes 5 specific exercises that address 5 prominent challenges children face daily.

Exercise 1:

Stimulates the brain , which may have been deprived of healthy oxygen levels on a daily basis due to mask wearing mandates for children.  

Exercise 2: This exercise allows children to literally shake the fear out of their bones and reset their Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Exercise 3: Restlessness from worry and concern can interfere with the child's sleeping patterns and episodes of insomnia. This exercise allows the child to naturally self-soothe by calming and quieting their minds .

Exercise 4: Stressful environments inevitably impact kids, causing unhealthy levels of cortisol surges in their bodies. This exercise interrupts cortisol surges and teaches kids how to connect to their hearts and truly find a peaceful place within - which is much needed during these chaotic times.

Exercise 5: Depression is a direct result of uninspiring futures. It's important to teach children the power of intention and positive visions for their future. This visualization exercise does exactly that. 

 MINDOLOGY FITNESS CLASS  (pre-recorded video class)

This 25-minute Mental Fitness program was designed by Dr. Troy to establish total Body, Mind, and Spirit coherence for children ages 3-12. You can use this pre-recorded class as a support video as you lead the class for children. 

Body Section

During the first 10 minutes of class, the children focus on cardio, right brain/left brain activation, stimulating the optic nerve in their eyes, kidney, and organ massage as well as using their bodies to shake away unwanted fears while organically resetting the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS). 

Mind Section

The second part of the class focuses on quieting and releasing clutter from the mind through meditation and goal clarity through active imagination.

Spirit Section

The last part of the class is designed to teach children how to connect and have an inner dialogue with their hearts.  This section also includes a confidence-building exercise and a laughter yoga exercise designed to organically produce feel-good hormones. 

Children often complete the class with a deeper sense of Self and Super Hero confidence in their ability to organically self-soothe and disappear unwanted emotions. 


This script will be used to guide trainers through the entire class with ease. 


This is the music used to lead live Mindology Fitness classes.

*Course instructions, Online Community link & Zoom monthly session link will be sent to you once your registration is completed.